Arctic Sea Ice Day 307 – Highest Since 2001

Day 307 Arctic Sea Ice = 9.53043 million sq km.

The last time it was higher on day 307 was 2001 when it was 9.79070 million sq km




12 thoughts on “Arctic Sea Ice Day 307 – Highest Since 2001

  1. Good info Bruce.
    Higher Arctic Ice cover test coming.
    Got to love pesky Solar, AMO and the PDO.
    More Arctic Ice should increase N Hem Spring into summer Snow cover extent in 2015.

    That’s my call and test HSS started.

  2. Based on linear trajectory prior to the uptick and considering the massive increase in NH snow cover, my prediction is that Arctic sea ice extent reaches the 1981-2010 mean by Day 316. Thoughts?

  3. Yay!

    Wondering about the storm coming the arctics way that Dr. Spencer talks about on his blog, and weather it will move the ice around enough to lessen the extent.

  4. What is interesting about the Arctic Ice Extent Graph is that we are now approaching a possible inversion event. Notice that the present trend for ice extent is now approaching the 1981 to 2010 mean, in fact it looks as if it is going to cross. If this inversion event occurs we could have that the Arctic ice extent will be in growth mode. This inversion event, let me call it Arctic Inversion Event, signifies that whatever natural forces (note I leave out humanity) are at play, means that they have gone from a mean negative ice extent growth to a mean positive ice extent growth. This illustrates a large scale change in trend of the ice extent. So instead of trying to finesse computer models in nit-picking exercises that obviously are all wrong, more attention should be paid to the large scale mechanisms that could affect such a large scale change in the ice growth, and that can cause these Arctic Inversion Events. This Arctic Inversion Event is not something to laugh at, this very well could illustrate a tipping point, and so should be understood better. Especially since the Antarctic Ice Extent is at record highs. If we have both polar caps with growthing ice extents, it means that something large scale is happening, and it is NOT global warming.

    We are indeed at nearing the end of the present inter-glacial period, and from research it is clear that when an interglacial period ends, it ends abruptly. From ice core samples it is clear that global temperatures drop very quickly, in a matter of generations, or at slowest, in a handful of hundreds of years, to which, the Earth will plunge in a new ice age. I am not suggesting that this is happening. But if it where, I am sure that a very quick Arctic Inversion Event would presage a coming ice age. What would be interesting is if someway these Artic Inversion Events can be analyzed. For if we can have some sort of velocity indicator (that is a rate change) of AIE’s we might be able to detect that there are large scale triggers occuring that warn us of future major or minor ice ages approaching.

    I suggested the above because if you look at the trend for the last 30 odd years, it seems odd, very odd in fact, that there has been a very fast change in the Arctic Ice Extent. This to me seems out of the norm, something is different this time, and that since we are approaching an inversion so quickly means to me, that something has indeed changed, and it has nothing to do with any anthropogentic factors. These changes are big, no massive, whatever they are, and have come very fast; something that not even anthropogentic warming can do, how ironic!

    This requires more investigating, I truly believe, and NOT by the IPCC, but by real scientists and intelligent people.

    Let’s hope its not what we all know will be coming, otherwise … ah, better to not speculate somethings, and this is one of those things you really don’t want to tempt fate on.

    For now, let the count down begin to the Arctic Inversion Event! And then …. lets keep a close eye on this one.

    1. I don’t feel that it is odd. In 2000, Solar Cycle 23, we had the weakest solar cycle in a hundred years. Now, Solar Cycle 24 is weaker that Solar Cycle 23. The mechanism is in the Solar EUV! When strong, it thickens/expands the Ozone layer creating a “blanket” that keeps the heat. Likewise, when weak, the Ozone layer becomes thinner allowing heat to escape to space.

      Over the Poles, the Ozone lay is generally thinner than over the 20 – 60 degree latitude. Same in the Southern hemisphere. Now, Antarctica is a special case. The Circumpolar winds tend to prevent the Ozone from being replenished. This is the major reason for the Ozone Hole over Antarctica. Realize that most of energy leaving the planet, leaves through the Poles; and that, an Ozone Hole is an “open window to space”. Again, temperature of space, outside of the Earth’s atmosphere, is about -250F [in the Solar System], and further away -455F.

      The Arctic has Ozone mixing due to the Northern Hemisphere land masses, but, there still is an Ozone thinning.

      One can watch the Ozone variations:

      The Solar output will continue to decline over the next 10 years [natural 11 year cycle]. We should all be preparing for extreme cold “outbreaks” [Polar Vortices] even during the Summer.

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