Great Arctic Cyclone 2012 Caused the Record Low

Update: Watch a NASA simulation of the cyclone breaking up the ice.

The Great Arctic Cyclone of 2012 hit on Aug 5 and passed over the North Pole on Aug 6.

“An unusually strong storm formed off the coast of Alaska on Aug. 5, then moved over the central Arctic. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite took the images that make up the mosaic during various passes over the North Pole on Aug. 6, when the storm was swirling over the middle of the Arctic Ocean. According to a NASA statement, there have only been about eight storms of similar strength during the month of August in the last 34 years of satellite records.

Using Jaxa data, note that from July 20 all the way to Aug 5, Arctic Sea Ice area was higher than in 2007. The peak day was Aug 5th, when 2012 was 229,062 sq km more than 2007.

Once the Cyclone hit, the ice broke and melted.  It isn’t the apocalypse in the Arctic. It was weather!

Month Day 2007 2012 Difference (2012 – 2007)
7 19 7363281 7344375 -18906
7 20 7271094 7317031 45937
7 21 7167656 7279375 111719
7 22 7066406 7220313 153907
7 23 6972031 7131875 159844
7 24 6858125 7025781 167656
7 25 6781250 6977813 196563
7 26 6688594 6885781 197187
7 27 6594844 6792969 198125
7 28 6527969 6723281 195312
7 29 6479375 6650000 170625
7 30 6428125 6556094 127969
7 31 6375313 6499219 123906
8 1 6324063 6467031 142968
8 2 6217500 6437656 220156
8 3 6109844 6329531 219687
8 4 6001250 6214063 212813
8 5 5890469 6119531 229062
8 6 5815156 5931094 115938
8 7 5724688 5760625 35937
8 8 5649063 5585313 -63750
8 9 5565313 5510313 -55000
8 10 5527813 5404375 -123438
8 11 5468594 5307031 -161563
8 12 5421094 5261250 -159844
8 13 5379219 5178750 -200469
8 14 5347813 5102656 -245157
8 15 5307344 5040938 -266406
8 16 5241406 4939688 -301718
8 17 5194688 4823281 -371407
8 18 5166250 4721406 -444844
8 19 5121563 4681406 -440157
8 20 5075000 4594375 -480625
8 21 5009531 4532969 -476562
8 22 4948438 4456719 -491719
8 23 4908438 4337500 -570938
8 24 4875625 4209219 -666406
8 25 4847656 4138125 -709531
8 26 4818438 4096563 -721875
8 27 4773906 4066719 -707187
8 28 4724844 3996406 -728438
8 29 4664844 3912500 -752344
8 30 4616094 3877031 -739063
8 31 4607031 3836250 -770781